Tuesday, April 12, 2011

o2: Diamonds are Forever

In America, when one is engaged, a diamond ring is typically involved. The same is true for my own engagement, but in true Celeste and Adam fashion, not in the typical way. For most traditional engagements, the ring is a surprise, given during the proposal as a token of a man's love. Though to me, from the proposals I've seen on TV, and the way girls I know talk about the size of these rocks, I feel like the ring is either a bribe: "Marry me and you get this giant diamond that maxed out my credit card for!" or a judge of a man's worth. I don't know what I feel about the diamond ring other than a tradition, but it's definitely not either of those.

We didn't have a proposal. We were planning on getting married as soon as we met, but if you've read the previous entry, it's like I said: try telling your parents that. Once Nikolai was born, it became pretty clear to everyone else that it was going to happen eventually. I would always go through spurts of looking at gowns (for myself and my bridesmaids) and diamonds because I am a girly girl and I've been dreaming of planning a wedding my whole life.

Then talk got more serious and Adam decided to go ahead and ask my dad's permission to marry me. (!!) Things must have gone well because we are getting married! Once that was done, we starting talking dates. After settling on August, I went ahead and started planning. I decided I didn't want an engagement ring (lies). Since there hadn't been a traditional proposal, I decided I would rather use the money we would spend on a diamond and put it towards the wedding. (more lies) After all, we already have a household to run and a baby so we can use all the savings we can make.

Aw, who was I kidding? OF COURSE I wanted a ring! I wanted to gawk at it in the sun, wave it around at my friends, flash it sneakily at every ringless cashier I came across. I'M A TYPICAL AMERICAN GIRL. I also have a total guilty pleasure for the 'finer things'. (except wine. I still haven't developed a taste for the stuff) Adam of course, could see right through my veil of practicality so we spent a couple nights looking online at styles I might like.

I thought I was really set in what I wanted. Before this, I hated the idea of couples looking at rings together. I was all "It should be a surprise" but since it would really be a surprise to me, and Adam's version of what he wants me to have, and what I saw and liked... well, there was a little bit of a difference. (as I keep tabs on the finances, I wasn't willing to be wearing something that we broke the bank over. I also have really small fingers, so giant stones looked really silly) Funny enough though, it was one of Adam's 'bling blingin' pieces that I ended up falling in love with.

Here it is!

There she is! 

Thanks For Reading!


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